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This client wanted the freedom to edit their own website. After buying a supposedly "user-friendly" Web Site Creator program, they quickly found out how difficult it was to learn and operate. Every update became a chore, so THE SITE WASN'T BEING MAINTAINED as it should.

What we did to help...
We listened to their goals for the site...what they wanted it to do, and where they wanted it to go. Then we:

  1. Designed them a new, modern Web Site look
  2. Transferred their data, and
  3. Installed a simple, powerful 'Word Processor' type of On-line Editor...complete with an Image Uploader

It's painless and actually fun now!
Now they can change text, create and upload pictures, plus add to the Obituaries section...all within a few seconds, and from virtually anywhere. The Web Site stays up-to-date...and they couldn't be more pleased.

Contact us for information on our easily editable Web Site solutions.

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Screenshots of our work with this client:
Old Site   New Site  

Old Site's Main page

New Site's Main page

Old Site's Obituaries page

New Site's Obituaries page...
the 'List' is updated by adding a new page.

Old Site's Condolence Form page

New Site's Condolence Form page...
E-mail's them the condolence.

Screenshots of the New Site Administration:

Secure Log-In

Main Administration Screen

Creating a new page

Completed page

Simple Image Uploader...make's it easy to
browse your own computer for an image

Want a Web Site that YOU can edit yourself?
You don't have to be that computer literate! Contact us for information on our easily editable Web Site solutions.


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